The next time you are on the roof, take a look at your condensate drains from the rooftop air conditioning units. You will be surprised that many of the drain lines are broken or do not have a “trap” in the piping. Why do you need a trap on your rooftop air conditioning unit? Most […]
Recently, we received a phone call from a maintenance staff member concerned about “dirt” building up around ceiling air diffusers in the common area of his mall. This is an interesting and common problem. The solution has two parts. Part One Engineers select diffusers with initial leaving air velocity and terminal velocity in mind. Careful […]
Developers are showing increasing interest in central air conditioning for many reasons. Ideally suited for multi, multi-use dense, vertical developments, central air conditioning reduces energy use by 30–50%, helps earn LEED points, eliminates rooftop condenser “farms” that preclude green roof options and become maintenance nightmares, and generates revenue. Central air conditioning systems have smaller footprints […]
Developers are showing increasing interest in central air conditioning for many reasons. Ideally suited for multi-story, multi-use dense, vertical developments, central air conditioning reduces energy use by 30–50%, helps earn LEED points, eliminates rooftop condenser “farms” that preclude green roof options and become maintenance nightmares, and generates revenue. Central air conditioning systems have smaller footprints […]