Prevent Cigar Shop Odor
Prevent Cigar Shop Odor

Prevent Cigar Shop Odor

Posted in Tenant Coordination

In addition to standard odor control methods such as sealing walls properly with the correct type of primer and paint, and caulking around wall penetrations, the following recommendations help prevent odor complaints from this type of tenant:

  • Construct the space using washable wall and ceiling surfaces.
  • Utilize SmogĀ­Hog odor eliminators, which range from several charcoal and carbon filters to ESPs or electrostatic precipitators (the best). SmogĀ­Hog odor eaters are also commonly found in other environments, like bowling alleys. These units circulate the air and do not exhaust it, reducing the amount of conditioned air being exhausted, thus conserving energy.

Please contact TES for your specific tenant odor control needs.

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