Recently, we received a phone call from a maintenance staff member concerned about “dirt” building up around ceiling air diffusers in the common area of his mall. This is an interesting and common problem. The solution has two parts. Part One Engineers select diffusers with initial leaving air velocity and terminal velocity in mind. Careful […]
Many spaces on the same HVAC system experience comfort issues: Either it is too hot, too cold, or sometimes a mixture of the two. If a client asks you about this type of problem, airflows are likely to be the cause—but calling a contractor to perform an air balance isn’t the first step of the […]
A contractor or Tenant field rep calls you up and asks this question. What do you say? First off, what is a curb adapter? This definition can mean something different to everyone. Often when an HVAC unit is being replaced, the new unit does not identically match the existing curb size and drop locations. A […]
That’s an old HVAC engineer joke. Often when we’re asked to evaluate comfort problems, we find this was more than just a joke. A building’s cooling load is the rate of heat rejection required to keep it cool inside. Conversely, the heating load is the amount of added heat needed to keep it warm inside. […]
Your boiler needs to be replaced. It’s old and inefficient and your natural gas costs are sky rocketing. What type of replacement boilers should you look at? There are condensing, non condensing, steel or copper water tube or fire tube, to name a few, and efficiencies range from 75% to 96%. You will need to […]