Recently, we received a phone call from a maintenance staff member concerned about “dirt” building up around ceiling air diffusers in the common area of his mall. This is an interesting and common problem. The solution has two parts. Part One Engineers select diffusers with initial leaving air velocity and terminal velocity in mind. Careful […]
Light trespass and light pollution are on the front burner of many municipalities in the U.S. due to the perception of wasted energy or impingement upon usage options of neighboring properties. There are new codified ordinances that restrict exterior light levels, pole heights, pole locations, lamp type/wattage, or watts/sq ft. The USGBC offers a Light […]
Slide 1 Mega Press is a new offering from Viega. Slide 2 Viega is a method of joining piping, copper, stainless steel and plastics without solder or glue. Slide 3 It uses hydraulic force to compress the fitting to the pipe and uses an “O” ring to seal the joint. The contractor buys the crimper […]
Grease on a roof can put you on a slippery slope toward leaks, expensive repairs, voided warranties, unsafe work areas, fire hazards, and lawsuits. Sometimes, it causes local fire authorities to fine building owners or tenants and shut them down. Chances are you have a food court or other food type tenants. Have you seen […]
“Dirty power” is an abnormality in the power quality that is being delivered to a system. These abnormalities can include low power factor, voltage variations, frequency variations, and surges. All electrical systems are based on a supply of power at a certain voltage and frequency. Equipment and electronic devices are chosen based on this expected […]